Psychic Idle: Best Spell Builds for New Players

Are you new to the world of Psychic Idle? This game can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to building your spells. With so many options, it can be difficult to know where to start. Fear not, for we have compiled a list of the best spell builds for new players. Read on to discover the power that lies in your hands.

Psychic Idle

Introduction to Psychic Idle

Before we delve into the spells, let's take a quick look at the game itself. Psychic Idle is a game where you play as a psychic who can control the elements. You can cast spells to attack your enemies or heal yourself. The game is all about strategizing and building the perfect spell to defeat your opponents. It's a game that requires patience and planning, but the rewards are well worth it.

Best Spell Builds for New Players

We've narrowed down the best spell builds for new players into three categories: Attack, Defense, and Support.

Attack Spells

1. Fireball

Fireball is a spell that has become a classic in the world of magic for its immense power and versatility. It is known for unleashing a massive burst of flames that can incinerate multiple targets at once, making it a go-to spell for taking out hordes of enemies. The intense heat generated by the Fireball spell can leave scorch marks on the ground and turn even the toughest foes to ashes. Its wide area of effect and destructive force make it an excellent tool for clearing out dungeons, fortresses, or any other environment that might be teeming with hostile creatures.

2. Lightning Bolt

If you want a spell that can focus all its destructive power on a single target, then Lightning Bolt is the perfect choice. This spell unleashes a bolt of electricity that crackles through the air, striking a single target with a massive amount of damage. Its speed and precision make it ideal for taking down bosses, powerful mages, or other high-value targets. 

3. Ice Storm

Ice Storm is a spell that is both beautiful and deadly. It creates a swirling vortex of ice and snow that can freeze enemies in place, leaving them vulnerable to attack or allowing you to make a hasty escape. The cold blast of Ice Storm can turn the ground into a slippery, dangerous terrain, making it difficult for enemies to approach or move around. Its ability to immobilize multiple enemies at once makes it an excellent tool for crowd control, and its frosty shards can shatter even the toughest armor. 

Defense Spells

1. Shield

As mentioned earlier, Shield is a must-have for any player. It protects you from incoming attacks and gives you time to heal or plan your next move. This spell is particularly useful when you're facing powerful enemies or in PvP battles.

To make the most out of Shield, consider upgrading it as soon as possible. Upgrading Shield will increase its durability and make it last longer. You can also consider adding modifiers to Shield, such as the Reflect modifier. This modifier allows Shield to reflect incoming damage back at the enemy.

2. Healing Wave

As the name suggests, Healing Wave is a great spell for healing yourself or your teammates. It's especially useful in group battles, where you can keep your team alive and well while they deal damage to the enemy.

Healing Wave can also be upgraded to increase its healing power. Consider adding modifiers such as the Group Heal modifier, which will allow you to heal multiple teammates at once. You can also consider adding the Quick Cast modifier, which will reduce the casting time of Healing Wave.

3. Invisibility

In PvP battles, Invisibility is a fantastic defensive spell that enables you to dodge attacks and ambush foes. To maximize its potential, try upgrading its duration and attaching modifiers like the Speed Boost modifier. Doing so will enhance your mobility while invisible, allowing you to move swiftly and silently.

Psychic Idle

Support Spells

1. Haste

Ideal for players who prefer a hands-on approach in combat, Haste is an excellent support spell that boosts your attacks and movement. It helps you deal damage quickly and dodge enemy attacks more efficiently. Enhance the spell's potential by including modifiers like the Duration modifier, which lengthens the spell's duration. Alternatively, add the Group Haste modifier, which also quickens the attacks and movement of your teammates.

2. Teleport

A handy spell for escaping perilous scenarios and improving your offensive position, Teleport is an excellent addition to any player's arsenal. It's also useful for rapidly reaching objectives like flag captures or rescuing a teammate.

To maximize the spell's efficiency, try increasing its range by upgrading it. Additionally, consider attaching modifiers like the Quick Cast modifier to decrease the casting time, making it more efficient in battle.

3. Summon

Boosting your offensive capabilities by summoning creatures to battle is an effective strategy. They can act as distractions, deal damage, or even heal you. By using Summon, you can take on more challenging foes and accomplish objectives with ease.

To improve the spell's potential, consider incorporating modifiers such as the Heal modifier, which will allow your summoned creatures to provide healing to you or your teammates. You can also add the Damage modifier, which amplifies the damage output of your summoned creatures.

In addition to building your spells, it's important to remember to upgrade them. Upgrading your spells increases their power and effectiveness, making them even more deadly. You can upgrade your spells using spell points, which you earn by leveling up or completing quests.


Learning the Psychic Idle spell Builds techniques mentioned above can help you gain better control of the game. However, becoming a master requires consistent practice. If you face performance issues due to low-end game equipment, consider downloading the Redfinger Android emulator. This emulator can help enhance your gaming efficiency.